Here are some of the key features of Chat Multi Messenger:
Centralized Management: Chat Multi Messenger allows you to manage all your messaging accounts from one central location. You no longer need to switch between multiple tabs or log in and out of different platforms to access your messages.
Multi-Platform Support: This extension supports a wide range of messaging platforms, including Snapchat, Reddit, Telegram, Slack, and more. This makes it easy to keep track of all your conversations, no matter which platform you use.
Chat Without Distractions: Chat Multi Messenger allows you to chat without the distractions of notifications, ads, and other distractions that are common on many messaging platforms. This makes it easier to focus on your conversations and get more done in less time.
Customizable Interface: The interface of Chat Multi Messenger is fully customizable, allowing you to choose the layout and color scheme that works best for you. This makes it easy to personalize the extension to meet your specific needs and preferences.
Fast and Reliable: Chat Multi Messenger is designed to be fast and reliable, ensuring that you can access your messages and respond to them quickly and easily. This can save you time and help you to be more productive.
In conclusion, Chat Multi Messenger is a must-have extension for anyone who wants to simplify their online chatting experience. With its centralized management, multi-platform support, distraction-free interface, and customizable options, this extension makes it easy to keep track of all your conversations and get more done in less time. So, if you’re looking for an easy and convenient way to manage your online chats, give Chat Multi Messenger a try today.

Access to many Social Media Apps like Telegram, TikTok, Linkedin, Twitter, Discord, Reddit, Slack and many more in a single App 😱 See for a full list.
The state is kept when switching between Apps meaning that you can have all Social media Apps opened and have instant switch 🚧
This Chat Multi Messenger allows to fast switch between all the Web Messengers for Chrome 🚨 You can enable/disable the Chat Apps that you want to be active 🔥
Monitor all notifications, news feed, posts, messages in real time 🏆
Non-intrusive, by showing the number of missed notifications in the App icon on the Browser Toolbar 🥊
★ App shows as a sidebar and runs the mobile versions of the available Apps meaning less CPU/RAM/Internet consumption 👑
★ You computer will run faster with more resources available without have to sacrifice functionality.
★ Choose your preferred communication method from a wide number of available messengers 😍
★ Combine all the mainstream messengers into one simple window!
★ Chat Multi Messenger is a wrapper for worldwide messengers. It allows you to have access to the official services quickly from a standalone sandboxed window 🔥
★ Sidebar with alll Web Messenger like Messenger, Hangouts, Android Messages, Tinder, Youtube, Skype as the main available Apps 👑
★ Also available Line, Slack, WeChat, Wire, Zalo, Grape, DingTalk, Yahoo, HipChat, CrewMsn for you to choose your preferred communication 😍
✔ Best extension for Social Media 🔧 You can fast-switch between all Social Media Networks 🎓
✔ Clean and simple interface 💻
✔ Very Low CPU/RAM/Bandwidth consumption.
✔ HTTPS and on official platforms for maximum security 🔑 No share of credentials to third party 🔓
💧 Theme – Skin Color
🚨 App Booster 🚨
😍 Window Screenshot
“notifications” – Used to send desktop notification. For example when a new message arrive or App is updated.
“contextMenus” – Allow to add more settings when right click in the App icon in the browser toolbar and browser context menu.
“webNavigation” – The extension uses iframes to allow fast switch between the social media sites. webNavigation is used to control those iframes and know the timing to insert css or js into the iframe.
“storage” – Used to save settings on your local computer.
“scripting” – Used to be able to insert JS or CSS on the required host/domains.
“system.display” – Used to detect the display size and position the Extension window.
“unlimitedStorage” – Storage is limited to 5MB of data that may not be enough to store all configs.
“host_permissions” – Permission to access to some hosts/domains that we must modify in order to provide the desired functionality detailed in the functionality. It also allows that you can share content (links or text) from other pages directly to inside the App and send it as a SMS/Android message to a friend for example. Also used to allow intercommunication with other WWEvents Apps (i.e. Emojis).
“activeTab” – Permission to access the window that the extension is running and is show to the user.
“all_urls” – Permission required for users be able to take screenshots of the current window – captureVisibleTab.
“declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess” – Used to get the iframe version of the websites. Only impact the Extension Window.
“declarativeNetRequestFeedback” – Used to get the iframe version of the website by changing the iframe requests.
“browsingData” – Used to remove serviceWorkers on some website in order for MV3 extension run properly.
“alarms” – Used to update App icon badge.
This information is also available inside the App: Options -> About